Visiting Heidelberg

We recognize that a first visit to any church can be a bit daunting, but we want you to feel welcomed and comfortable at Heidelberg. Folks of all walks and ways of life have made Heidelberg their spiritual home, and we invite you to do the same.


What to Expect

Come as you are to Heidelberg – in your “dress-up” clothes or in jeans and a t-shirt. We’re a flexible, casual bunch and we’re concerned with your comfort, not your clothes.

You’ll be greeted at the door and given a worship bulletin to guide you through the morning. You’ll be invited to make a name tag. We all wear them and it really helps in learning names. The greeters can point you to the coffee bar or to a bathroom, or answer any questions you might have.

Our Sanctuary is half pews and half chairs. We recommend the soft furniture! But there are no assigned seats, so make yourself at home anywhere. We tend to chat with one another right up until the organ invites us to be ready to worship.

Our worship is eclectic…always sacred, but not formal. Most weeks you’ll hear the pipe organ, but we worship just as well with guitar or flute, cello, sax, or trumpet. In an ever-changing number of ways we tell stories, read poetry, laugh, sing, converse, and soak up the presence of the Holy One who is in and among us all. Our worship runs for what we call “a Heidelberg hour.” That’s an hour, give or take, depending on what’s happening that day.

We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion with a table open to absolutely all on the first Sunday of each month.

the “BEFORE” and “After” hour of worship”

At 9:30 a.m., before church, we invite you to the “before” hour of worship. We gather in our meeting room and explore Christian life and spiritual journey through interactive activities and discussion. We have recently explored themes such as spiritual gifts, cultural competency as people of faith, and healing from trauma. We gather in our Auditorium after church for a time of fellowship where the coffee is always ready. We serve our own “HeidelBrew,” roasted for us by a local coffee shop. Teams of our members and friends take turns providing a variety of snacks and we linger to visit with one another, enjoy the art in our gallery which features a rotating roster of local artists.

What about children?

We love children and we’re ready for your visit. Most children join their families for worship. We have a children’s play area in our sanctuary and joyful noise is fine and welcome. We also have tote bags filled with coloring pages and toys to provide entertainment. Most weeks there is a children’s message or a story as part of our service.

Is Everyone Really Welcome?  

You bet. We’re an Open and Affirming Congregation and we take seriously our call to widen the welcome to all. All members of the LGBTQIA+ community are welcome into full membership and participation at Heidelberg.

Directions and Parking

Heidelberg is located at 47 West Philadelphia Street in downtown York, Pennsylvania, directly across the street from York’s Central Market.

There is some street parking on Philadelphia Street and ample parking in garages on either side of the church.

The rear entrance of the church is on W. Gas Ave. and most folks park in the free lot located there which can be accessed from Beaver Street, a right turn just past the church.

Handicapped accessible parking and a ramp entrance is located at the rear of the church as well.